Lounging around

As the weather gets nicer and nicer, we are spending more time outside.  We’ve started eating meals outside and Penny has started eating her snacks at her little outdoor table as well.  Steve and Penny gave me a new outdoor sofa set for my birthday and I foresee a summer of lounging on the patio.  Life is good!


  1. Laura October 5, 2010

    Very nice!!!

  2. Grandpa Margheim October 5, 2010

    I can see another trip to Chile coming on very soon. Looks too nice not to come.

  3. Grams & Grandpa Tom October 5, 2010

    We agree! Much too nice to pass on with the dreary weather we’re having in CT. Bring on SUMMER!~!!!!!!!!!~~

  4. Tia Pat October 7, 2010

    You were born a princess. Enjoy the outdoors and your new table. The pictures of Penny get cuter each day.

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