July 4th fun part 1

On the 4th, after a nice birthday chat with Grams, we packed up and headed to Chattanooga, TN.  Due to the inclement weather, we weren’t sure what we would be doing, but we were hoping for some fun.  First stop, The Creative Discovery Museum.  Best children’s museum!!!

  • Playing in the water room
  • Penny and Grandma having fun with the water
  • Grandma love
  • Penny sporting the homemade 4th of July hat Mommy made her
  • Mommy sporting the hat, Penny wanted to make her own
  • Awesome hat made by Penny
  • Penny and Uncle Sam
  • Penny and Papi
  • Face painting with Mommy
  • It's eating me!!!!!! (Teddy not so happy)
  • Dress up time
  • Searching for dinosaur bones
  • nom nom
  • Following in Mommy's footsteps
  • Walking up to the tower look out
  • buzz buzz
  • Penny bubble
  • Teddy and Papi


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