Posts By Steve

Horseback riding and bbq

Last weekend our friends hosted a bbq and horseback riding afternoon.  We all had a wonderful time relaxing in the sun with friends and eating great food.  Penny really enjoyed playing with her friends and riding the horses.  She was such a big girl and rode all by herself.  Looks like we will be looking into lessons for her when she gets a little older.  Maybe we have a rodeo champion in our midsts!

Australia Day

we were invited to celebrate Australia Day- January 26th with some Aussie friends.  In keeping with the Australia spirit Penny and I made Anzac biscuits.  They were pretty good and the Aussie’s said they were authentic tasting.  Here’s the recipe if you are interested.

Sunday stroll

Penny and I went for a nice walk this afternoon before her nap.  We walked around the recinto, climbed a tree, went to the park, and hung out with Pennys good friend Nuno.  Though we had a great day today, Penny did miss Papi, who left for the states yesterday!


Penny had a wonderful christmas this year.  We had a party on Christmas Eve and then spent Christmas day opening presents, eating, skyping and relaxing.

Christmas morning-

Penny helping Leyna open her stocking-

Penny opening her stocking and gifts-

Skyping with Grandpa Tom-

Grams and Grandpa Tom gave Penny Chutes and Ladders.  She was so excited we played a game right away!

Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa-

Look what Santa left mommy and daddy!-

more presents-

Helping Mommy make the frosting for the cinnabuns-

Picking fresh fruit for breakfast-

Playing outside-

Fresh apricots

The past few summers our apricot tree hasn’t produced much but this summer we have a ton of apricots!!  Any ideas what we should make with them?