Posts By Lisa

Chattanooga part 3


On Friday, after an amazing breakfast at the Blue Plate, we headed to the Tennessee Aquarium which consisted of 2 buildings, the River Walk and the Ocean building.  The River walk was by far the best fresh water aquarium I have ever been to.  IMG_3382 IMG_3374 IMG_3354 IMG_3345 IMG_3344 IMG_3325 IMG_3301 IMG_3299 IMG_3298 IMG_3297 IMG_3292 IMG_3289 IMG_3288 IMG_3286 IMG_3282 IMG_3280 IMG_3278 IMG_3261 IMG_3260 IMG_3259 IMG_3258 IMG_3254 IMG_3237 IMG_3235 IMG_1029 IMG_1025 IMG_1008 IMG_0977 IMG_0953 IMG_0950 IMG_0938

July 4th part 2

After spending the day at the museum, we headed for an early dinner at a local brewpub.  Then we all went to watch a minor league game, the Chattanooga Lookouts (LA Dodgers).  It ended early due to the rain, but we all head a great time!!!

  • Dinnertime fun with Grandpa
  • First pro female MLB player
  • view from seats
  • OF course, wearing our July 4th hats!
  • uh oh, it's raining
  • Oh no!!!!!
  • Though we had to leave the game due to the rain, we were able to see the beautiful fireworks from our room (and from the pool)

July 4th fun part 1

On the 4th, after a nice birthday chat with Grams, we packed up and headed to Chattanooga, TN.  Due to the inclement weather, we weren’t sure what we would be doing, but we were hoping for some fun.  First stop, The Creative Discovery Museum.  Best children’s museum!!!

  • Playing in the water room
  • Penny and Grandma having fun with the water
  • Grandma love
  • Penny sporting the homemade 4th of July hat Mommy made her
  • Mommy sporting the hat, Penny wanted to make her own
  • Awesome hat made by Penny
  • Penny and Uncle Sam
  • Penny and Papi
  • Face painting with Mommy
  • It's eating me!!!!!! (Teddy not so happy)
  • Dress up time
  • Searching for dinosaur bones
  • nom nom
  • Following in Mommy's footsteps
  • Walking up to the tower look out
  • buzz buzz
  • Penny bubble
  • Teddy and Papi

Rainy day fun


This morning we awoke to the sound of rain, music to our ears.  Penny, Teddy and Steve were excited to get out and run around in the rain which they did in their pajamas.  Then Penny used Teddy’s birthday gift for the first time, spin art, big hit all around!! This afternoon Grandma and Grandpa took Penny to the movies to see Despicable Me 2.  Rainy days are fun!!

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Babyland General Hospital


Today we went to the birthplace of the Cabbage Patch Kid.  The have built a hospital that you can visit.  Penny and Teddy were in heaven, I on the other hand felt a little like I was in a freaky dream.  The staff was dressed as nurses and doctors, babies were being born every hour, there was a nursery, and there were cabbage patch kids everywhere.  Thousands of them, it was crazy!!!!IMG_2975 IMG_9261 IMG_9262

Teddy found the life size cabbage patch lady a little odd-IMG_9266

Penny and a nurse holding a premie doll-IMG_2986

This beauty was walking around all day shaking hands-IMG_2981

Penny found a doll wearing the exact dress she was wearing.  She only cost $300, we told Penny she was not up for adoptionIMG_3019

Teddy loved taking care of the babiesIMG_9289

It’s time for a birth-IMG_3004 IMG_3003

A healthy girl, she went to the nursery to get cleaned up-IMG_3008

Time for the baby to meet potential adoptive parents-IMG_3015 IMG_3010

Cool artwork-
IMG_2991And who was the lucky baby that Penny adopted?  I am pleased to announce that Florence Jaidyn born on July 2 has joined the Margheim family.  They asked Penny if she wanted to change the baby’s name, but she was happy with it!

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