To celebrate the end of the trimester (Penny did great of course!), Sara and I took Penny and Jona to a new kid zone that just opened. They had a wonderful time playing, especially in the ball pit. Then we went out to dinner, McDonald’s of course!! I’m so proud of how well Penny is doing!!
Teddy and his friends spent the morning at the zoo. Â They all had a wonderful time, though Teddy and Charlotte can’t wait for Ralph and Vincent to run around with them!!
Teddy brought his bag of treats for the animals-
Feeding the goats, though this one was a bully and kept butting the others out of the way-
Charlotte had a little help too-
Teddy was looking very dapper today, so I wanted to get a few photos. I’ve started using Steve’s camera, so unfortunately, they were mostly out of focus, but he looks cute none the less!!
Last night after swim lessons, Ben came over to play. Penny was super excited to have him over, as they go to different schools now and don’t get to hang out as much. They did spin art, had waffles and got to watch a move. Soon, you will be seeing a post about a sleepover, they are both eager to have one!!
I have loved watching the kids grow and their relationship evolve. Penny has really blossomed and is a wonderful big sister. The other night, she made a fort for them to play in then when it was time for bed, she brushed his teeth. I hope they can always remain this close!